1Password SSH Integration on macOS


I’ve recently tried to setup a Raspberry Pi for SSH. I’ve created a new SSH entry in 1Password and wanted to use the great 1Password SSH integration for this. Unfortunately I was unable to get it working. After many careful reads of the documentation, I’ve finally found a working configuration. This post should explain that setup a little bit as a personal reminder.

The general stuff

I"ve already had my 1Password configured to support SSH keys. 1Password has this explanation which I’ve followed on my Mac. So the entry in 1Password was already present and the agent was configured to search in several of my vaults for SSH keys.

Usually, an entry in my ~/.ssh/config would look like this:

Host pi3work
	UseKeychain yes
	AddKeysToAgent yes
	Port 22
	User pi
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed_pi3work

Somehow I thought, I’ll have to replace the file path for the IdentityFile with the reference to the entry in 1Password’s private part of the SSH key. So something like op://VaultName/EntryName/private key. I’ve then tried to connect with ssh and got an error:

no such identity: op://VaultName/EntryName/private key: No such file or directory

Solving the problem

The entry was clearly present in 1Password. I could even run ssh-add -l to list the currently known keys for the SSH agent, but something was clearly not working. After carefully rereading the documentation I’ve found the issue. Instead of using IdentityFile I’ve had to use this line IdentityAgent ~/.1password/agent.sock.

The link to the agent can be created with this command:

mkdir -p ~/.1password && ln -s ~/Library/Group\ Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.1password/t/agent.sock ~/.1password/agent.sock


It was quite easy, when you’ll use the right values from the documentation. But regardless of this I was sure, I’ve had this somehow working before using the IdentityFile in combination with a 1Password link. Now I’ve got both variants documented, in case I’ll forget this again with the next SSH key not working anymore.